Kudos Dreaming of A Change

Hey What's Up Kudos Crew!
We are dreaming of a resources to change bullying and before
you get sucked into reading this entire post, let me be honest and up front....
I NEED YOUR HEEEEEEEELP! No I don't need blood or a kideny
or a co signer for a loan


So could you please, do me a huge favor...
You can vote once every 24 hours until April 4 11:59.
Check out our facebook page for the full link.

OK, Now that we got that out of the way....let me share
something a little more honesty. When we started Kudos Magazine and Cup of
Kudos on facebook, we did it with one driving factor, to inspire people to live
a happy, healthy life. Not blindly, but with wisdom to help guide the path. And
as always, you can snag Kudos magazine for FREE!!  <3
Our fans and friends have been incredible! I am so grateful
so many of you make us a part of your day online! I am truly honored! This
journey has been amazing! YOU have made our page a place of acceptance, support
and love. Truly grateful how kind all of our fans are with one another. xoxo
None of this would have been possible without our dynamic
Kudos team! This video is a little special call out for all of their hard work;
from our writers, vloggers, editors and designers! You truly are rock stars!!
Sincerely thank you!
Because of all of you, we are able to share the postive
voice of Cup of Kudos. A great big KUDOS to all of you!
Kudos has so much good stuff coming your way this year!!
BUT WE WANT TO ADD MORE to our crazy packed scheduled!!! We
want to add content focused on bullying and bringing a positive change.
With your vote we can make it happen!!
HELP us add one issue of Kudos magazine focused bullying. If
we win this FedEx grant, a special edition Kudos magazine and video series will
be created. <3
Wish us luck!! We are a little late getting out of the gate,
we literally just found out about this opportunity! So if you could please,
like and share this video. But more importantly, just take 30 seconds to click
the link at the top of this and vote.
If you read this far long, seriously, scrol up and vote now.
:) hahaha
Sending you all good vibes!
P.S. If you were tagged in this post, you were one of the
rock stars that made this Kudos dream a reality. Thanks for adding your special
touch Muwah

#cupofkudos #whathappenswithagreatteam #iamgrateful
#fedexsmallbusinessgrant #bullyingawareness #antibully #positivechanges


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