Goal Setting Hit The Reset Button

if you are doing Goal Setting this year, you might need to hit the reset button!

Don’t settle if you stumbled on your resolution. Can’t hold onto the past mistakes and expect the new. Hit reset and try these 2 steps to get on track for to actually meet your goal.

1 - Write Your Goal Down. Be very specific. Read it each morning when you wake up and at night read again before you go to bed. Speak it out loud during the day. Memorize it. Repeat it to yourself throughout the day. And when opportunities come up, ask yourself, does this align with my goal. Let that become your goal post. It is your focus and intention on all you do. Will this decision align with my goal?

You know the answer and cannot bs yourself!

2 - Check Your Inner Circle. Are you surrounding yourself with people and information that align with your goal? or duplicating the past? You want change? Then you have to create it! Seek and CREATE new sources that align with this goal. This could include people, resources, communities, organizations, books and more! You have to change something to create something new! Some people will not "get" where you are going. Find those that do!

It's time to let go of the past and move into a new set of patterns to reach your goal! Make it a great year, one new choice at a time!

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